About Us
The Production Music Association (PMA) is the leading advocate and voice of the production music community. We are dedicated to advancing the unique value of production music and working together to ensure a better future for our community.

Our Mission
We are a non-profit organization counting over 800 music publisher, composer and production music technology service members. Major labels, independent boutiques, emerging composers and well-known Grammy™ winners are all part of our membership. Together, our members account for over 2,500,000 individual copyrights and PMA music is heard daily in every country around the world, making up over half of the music usage in media.
Our goal is to provide to all our members, the education, support and advocacy needed to support their careers and enhance the value of their craft.
We Strive to Fulfill Our Mission By:
- Working with performing rights organizations, legislators, legal counsel and content creators in the aim of improving the reporting, monitoring, collection and distribution of performance fees and royalties for our members.
- Providing our members with a community that aligns in common interest to engage in collaboration - creatively and in regard to business development.
- Educating our members and the marketplace about music rights and other issues that impact the production music community.
- Showcasing members' music and creating opportunities between composers and publishers.

Our History
In 1997, a US performing rights society planned to impose a cap on production music royalties that would have been considerably damaging to our community.
Several production music companies overcame their professional differences and came together to successfully oppose this issue.
They quickly discovered that working together greatly amplified their influence and shortly thereafter formed the Production Music Association. Thus began an ongoing journey to bring our community together, and help create a strong, sustainable future.

Today and Tomorrow
The PMA is moving forward on a whole host of issues.
We’re creating industry-wide technology standards and hosting popular events all over the country, including the highly successful Production Music Conference held annually in the fall in Los Angeles. We’re lobbying PROs for accurate distribution and educating both composers and our user base. We are involved in everything from fingerprinting and online licensing models to copyright issues and global outreach.
We speak with the combined power of all our members and every additional voice makes us louder.
Our Accomplishments
- Ensuring that millions of dollars of performance royalties found their way to the properly-entitled writers and publishers;
- Persuading our community, broadcasters and the PRO’s about the issues surrounding direct licensing and non-exclusive retitling.
- Influencing the technological developments affecting the tracking, reporting and payment of our members’ music.
- Advocating for our members in opposition to those who believe music should be free.
- Partnering with global organizations to strengthen our mission worldwide.
Who We Are
The Production Music Association is a small team, run by one full-time staff member and a volunteer Board of Directors. All Board representatives are employed by a music library that is a member of the PMA.

Morgan McKnight
Executive Director
Production Music Association (PMA)

Andrew Jordan
Executive Assistant
Production Music Association (PMA)

Adam Taylor
Associated Production Music

Joe Saba
Vice Chairman
Video Helper

Marcia Kautz
Warner Chappell Production Music

Ron Mendelsohn

John Clifford
Board Member
True Road Music

Joel Goodman
Board Member
Icon Trailer Music

Alan Lazar
Board Member

Andrew Gross
Board Member
Konsonant Music

Rob Reale
Board Member
4 Elements Music

Edwin Cox
Board Member
West One Music

Randy Wachtler
Board Member
11One Music / RJW Music Consulting

Brian Brasher
Board Member
Pitch Hammer and Annihilation

Martin Weinert
Board Member
Intervox Production Music

Darrel Shirk
Board Member
BMG Production Music

Jane Carter
Board Member
Universal Production Music